Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Episode Before Relaxation

Shandry stored the black lid canister in his breast pocket.
No one else was looking as he did it.
Noise from the marketplace grew to surround him.
The nervous tension finally left the air.
Luckily he knew the place well.
His actions were not suspicious.
Everyone kept to themselves.
He returned home.
Sitting down.

- PinchMe

This piece originally appeared in Paperbag Writes. I met PinchMe through and this person gamely shared his fifty five word short story.

Friday, June 6, 2008


Someone has called my name and her voice is tempting.
I step out slowly amidst the house’s horrifying darkness.
I hold my shivering hands, memorizing my steps.
Breath is heard like a stupid hell.
In the distance, white is glimpsed.
I touch it, it’s wet.
The horror-struck shout’s heard.
Mom’s facial cream!
I’ve mistaken —

- Luida Cabatana